Winter gloves

by Lori
(Wisconsin, USA)

One day while driving to work, I was wearing my

driving gloves because here in Wisconsin we have to protect our hands from the cold and wind more than from the sun.

Believe me your hands take quite a bit of abuse from the cold and wind.

When I tried to take off my sunglasses, which are also needed to shade the glare from the snow, I got the finger of my glove caught in the hinge of the bow of my sunglasses.

So driving down the road with my finger stuck to my head I went.

From now on I have learned to take off the gloves before I remove the glasses.

When I told my co-workers about this we all had a very hearty laugh at my expense.

Thank God I can say there was no accident report submitted for this incident.

This has truly taught me a lesson I will not forget.

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Feb 17, 2025
que NEW
by: Anonymous

what is this

Nov 24, 2008
Yeah Well
by: Anonymous

There was an accident that I had when I bent over to grab my gloves and hit a parked car in the night.

It was a dark car and I had looked up the road after turning but obviously not far enough or well enough how ever you figure that.

The fingers were frozen I am glad you learned your lesson. I know I never mess with the gloves while driving, and I don't recommend touching the glasses either.

Glad You didn't hit anything but the laugh meter!

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