We Tan But ... and Protect Us Also!

by Blaj Gabriel
(Bucharest Romania)

It is summer and I feel a happiness hard to describe. I think only of the beach, the sea and how I will look with my body all tanned.

I will tell you about sun protection methods I use to have my skin tanned and protected.

Every holiday we think how to take advantage of the full sun, but do not forget that a supra exposure can cause burns from the light leading to serious complications.

Sunburn occur after supra exposure of your skin to ultraviolet radiation with symptoms of defending in the first 1-24 hours.

So, how do we protect?

1) Exposure to half day should not exceed 30 minutes, even if the person has dark skin.

2) Using creams and oils especially suitable for sensitive skin to be massaged all over your body approximately 30 minutes before exposure. The time allotted will also minimize run offs through regular contact with water (swimming).

3) Nutrition rich in vitamins.

4) Correct hydration (2 liter of water / day).

Beside that I eat many fruits while I stay on the beach. After that, I protect my head and my eyes also with UV sunglasses and I never stay on beach after 11 am....and I am back on beach after 5 pm.

In this way I can open my arms to take the sun in the morning, to breathe sea breeze in the evening, to feel free to walk on rocks, to enjoy the holiday and have my body tanned without any problems.

I take care of my body's skin and enjoy the freedom of holiday on the beach.

Human Skin

SPF Clothing

Sun Protection Clothing

UV Protective Clothing

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