Watch Out For That Wind!

by Scott
(Delaware, OH, USA)

During the first beach vacation I took with my partner, we bought a beach umbrella to use.

We are both fair skinned, so protection from the sun's UV rays was our #1 priority other than enjoying ourselves of course.

We got a large beach umbrella that had a 15 SPF. We took it to the beach, arranged all of our equipment and towels, etc., and then planted the umbrella in the sand.

We were sitting there relaxing in the breezes coming off the sea when, suddenly, a very large breeze hit us.

It ripped our umbrella out of the sand and threw it several feet down the beach. Luckily no one was hit or injured.

We jumped out of our seats and ran after it. An elderly man caught it for us before it landed in the water. He was laughing and stated "you have to bury these things pretty deep."

He then proceeded to come to our beach site with a shovel and dig a hole about a foot deep. He placed our umbrella in there and stomped the sand hard around it.

Our umbrella stayed put the rest of the day. That evening, we bought a camp shovel and have used it ever since!

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