UV Index Determines the Extent of UV Rays ......

by Anonymous

UV index determines the extent of UV rays reaching the earth’s surface.

UV index measures the intensity of UV rays reaching the earth’s surface.

The Ultraviolet rays are measured and the intensity is determined accordingly.

During the night time the indexes shows zero and during the day time it varies from 5 to 20 according to the locations and ozone depletion.

The ozone layer is depleting due to the increase in pollution and various other external factors.

The ozone provides the earth a protective cover and prevents the harmful UV Rays entering into the earth’s atmosphere.

Due to the depletion, the UV rays are now reaching the earth and are harmful for human skin.

It may even cause skin cancer. Hence to avoid the harmful effects of UV rays, it is always better to protect the skin by applying a sunscreen lotion or by wearing spf clothing.

It is essential that we know the UV Index in our area and buy best sunscreen according to the intensity of the UV rays.


Sun Allergy

Human Skin

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