UV Index and its Effects

by Leon
(Russian Federation)

The UV index is an index which determines the intensity of sun’s ultra violet rays entering the earth’s surface.

According to the UV index one can choose appropriately the methods of protection that he would require protecting his or her skin.

If the UV index is greater than 4, then you need to institute a behavior which provides total skin care and protection.

The greater the index rate the greater is the sun damage. In our area the UV index shows about 2 and hence I have selected a 30 SPF sunscreen lotion to apply over my skin and attain protection from the harmful UV Rays.

I apply the sunscreen on my face, neck area, hands and legs before stepping out in the sun.

There are a lot of brands available in the sunscreen arena. Whichever brands you choose do not forget to look at the SPF and select it according to the UV Index in your area.


Sun Allergy

Human Skin

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