The Tinted Ford SUV

by Tristan

Me and my friend were driving through town and a car cut out in front of us.

It shot out past us and almost ran us over! They ran through the traffic light and almost hit a pedestrian!

This brand new Ford SUV looked dangerous!

Due to the auto window tint, we couldn't make out who was in the suspicious vehicle.

After a few shocking words and a couple of ones I know I cannot mention on here, we were furious.

Before we knew it, they left the scene and went down a back road.

A few minutes passed and my friend got a phone call from his parents. They reported that when they were driving home in their new SUV someone nearly killed them on the road!

We laughed and never told them what happened. Luckily they don't know what my car looks like!

The car window tint really does work!!!

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