The Dice Game!
by Scott Laurain
(Westland, MI, USA)
One fun game that I use in children's church is called the dice game. This is a very simple game that you can put together in five minutes.
The items you will need for this game are a dice, six pieces of paper, a marker, tape, a CD player, and several children.
For this game you can use a regular dice, but a larger dice will make the game more fun.
You will need to number the pieces of paper 1-6. You will then hang the pieces of paper around your room. At this point you are ready to play the game.
Turn the music on and let the kids dance around. When the music stops, they need to go to the closest number.
You will then roll the dice. Whoever is standing at the number you rolled is out.
You will continue this until one child is left, and they will be the winner of the game.
As you can see this is a quick game to put together, but kids love to play it!