The Awful effects of Malignant Melanoma

by Maria
(Los Angeles, CA, USA)

Malignant Melanoma is one of the worst scenarios I had ever had to deal with in my days of nursing.

I worked in a Cancer Center, often times with younger people, and while cancer as a whole is a horrible and merciless sickness, nothing compares to Malignant Melanoma Skin Cancer.

Many patients who had it, died within a very short time. I remember one of the more shocking cases.

A man had come in with the symptoms, and after running all the standard tests the doctors diagnosed him with the disease.

The patient was advised to return back for treatment the next day, as it is often fatal and they had to start immediately.

I did indeed see the man the next day, as he was rushed into the emergency room five minutes before his treatment was to start.

As I was told, he had collapsed walking from his car to the hospital entrance. Sadly, he did not make it, and passed away.

As a nurse, I had seen many people come in for skin cancer. But most of the time if it was detected early enough, it could be treated with a high cure rate.

At the same time, many patients hadn't found out they had malignant melanoma until it was far too late.

Now, the mortality rates are beginning to become very shocking and very alarming. Hospitals need to find a cure, or at least a way to slow it down, as it is causing a very alarming death toll.

It's a sickness I would not wish upon my worst enemy, and would die knowing if a loved one of mine had it.

I can only pray there will be a way in the future to protect others from Malignant Melanoma.

Melanoma Skin Cancer

Malignant Melanoma Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer Melanoma

Skin Cancer Moles

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