The Aussie and the Fair

by Derin
(Seattle, WA, USA)

One summer, I went to the state fair with a group of friends. It was not sunny at all when we left.

However, by the time we got to the fair, the sun had come out and was beating down on us. I soon realized that I had no protection from the sun and its damaging UV rays.

I hadn't even brought a decent hat to block the sun, much less any moisturizer with sunscreen.

We wandered through the vendors, and I searched ever more desperately for one that sold a hat that would keep the suns UV rays from burning my skin to a crispy red.

Seeking relief indoors, I came to a vendor that sold Australian sun protection hats, in as many different materials as you can think of.

After browsing through a wide variety of leather and felt hats that were quite outside my budget, I found a very nice Australian golf hat, made from a high-tech synthetic material.

It would block UV rays, and it was reasonably priced, as well. On the outside of the building, I found a vendor that sold sunscreen for three times what it costs at a drugstore.

I reluctantly paid up, because I knew what would happen to my skin if I did not use sunscreen. Fully protected, I enjoyed the rest of the day with my friends. I definitely learned my lesson that day.

Now, I don't leave home in the summer without my anti-sun hat, as I call it, and I always keep reasonably priced sunscreen wipes in my car.

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