The Adventure of the Dark Room

by Anonymous

When I was a kid we had lot of family get together and hence get to meet our cousins frequently.

My parents had many nieces and nephews so as kids we had many kids to play with. Usually we had the get together on all Fridays.

Our parents play games with their age group and we played with our gang of children.

We use to invent games and play them creating our own rules.

One game that I still remember which our favorite was is a game called dark room which was also our own creations.

We switch off all the lights and the person who is the finder will stand outside the room.

By switching off the light we hide ourselves inside the room behind the door underneath the bed, behind curtains and all the possible places.

The finder should come inside and find us without the lights on. It was fun and exited we all use to enjoy playing the game.

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