Swimming Suits for Kids

by Victoria
(Phoenix, AZ, USA)

Growing up in Arizona, my siblings and I swam every single day for years. One thing I definitely learned was how quickly kids go through swimming suits.

If a single suit lasted the entire season, it was a surprise. The chlorine from the water, the sun, the stretching, and sitting on rugged concrete will quickly wear and tear a suit.

Children will run around, play, and be active with no mercy for their clothing or swimming suits.

So one thing to remember is not to buy your children expensive swim suits.

Take them to TJ Max or Target, you will find very reasonably priced suits that your kids will love if they haven’t yet reached the age of desiring designer clothing.

Department stores let you get the most out of your money when you need to buy new suits every year.

When I was younger my parents would, if they could afford it, buy a couple different suits for us so that we could switch off and prolong the life of them.

In summary, don’t spend too much money on swimming suits for kids and keep in mind that they will be going through a new suit each year.

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