Sunscreen Without Sunscreen

by Anonymous
(Colorado, USA)

A couple months ago I went camping up in the mountains with a few friends.

We had brought some sunscreen, but we went a little heavy on it and eventually ran out. There we were, in the Colorado mountains, without any sort of sun protection.

Such a situation is survivable. If you find yourself in such a scenario, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Try to find a forested area and stay in the shade. This is most important during the peak hours, between 10 am and 4 pm.

Use whatever you can, a hat, a shirt, a rag, or whatever else to keep the sun out of your eyes and face.

Look for Aspen trees - they have a natural coating that can be used as a form of sunscreen.

Sunglasses are also important for protection eyes from UV damage.

In the end, we followed these messages and managed to return to our houses without being completely sunburnt, and had an excellent time camping as well.

Still, we were always sure to bring enough sunscreen on our latter outings, since it truly is the best way to prevent sun damage.

Organic Sunscreen

Moisturizer with Sunscreen

Best Sunscreen

Sunscreen Wipes

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