Sunscreen Wipes vs. Old Fashioned Cream
by Nicole
When I was little, I would make my mom put large amounts of sunscreen on me.
My grandfather had skin cancer and my mom had freckles—I wanted neither.
During my teen years I thought sunscreen was overrated.
I wanted a tan and was convinced that I could not achieve that while wearing sunscreen.
But now, I do not see how anyone can go in the sun without wearing it.
From my experiences, I have found that the new clear spray on sunscreen is not useful.
After sitting in the sun, you realize patches that you missed.
Additionally, I have the same issues with the wipes. After, when I get burned, I realize strokes and streaks, which I have missed.
I believe the best kind of sunscreen is the old-fashioned cream.
In my experience, with the cream, I get clean, even protection that cannot be compared to.
I advise against the wipes and go with the cream.
Organic SunscreenMoisturizer with SunscreenBest SunscreenSunscreen Wipes