Sunsafe Baby Swimsuits Are Great!
by Amanda
(Greenfield, MA, USA)
I am mother to a very pale little red haired toddler. While I get lots of compliments on his beautiful hair, it also leads me to constantly worry about sun damage and his fair skin getting burned.
I always am sure to apply the
best sunscreen, but for days when we'll be outside all day long, I have always worried that it wouldn't be enough. Luckily, I discovered Sunsafe baby swimsuits.
Sunsafe sells a wide variety of baby swimsuits, but the one that I purchased for my son was their SPF 50 Baby Swimsuit. It fits him perfectly, and it doesn't seem to be uncomfortable on him at all.
Every time I have put him in it, he has run around and played in it as happily as he has when wearing a normal swimsuit.
The swimsuit that I ordered for him has long sleeves and provides great coverage for his upper body. The bottom half of his swimsuit is very short, so I do have to still be sure that his legs are very well covered in sunscreen.
Sunsafe also offers
sun protection hat that look like they are very useful, but I haven't been able to take advantage of that as my child does not tolerate wearing hats.
Overall, I am very happy with my purchase. I would definitely recommend a Sunsafe baby swimsuit to any other parents.
It is a very good value for the money, and it has been a great way to get a little peace of mind while my baby enjoys his time in the sun.