Sunday Bike Ride

by Vennessa
(El Paso, TX, USA)

My mother once told me a great story about her and her cousin Miguel that involved a Sunday bike ride.

Now I know what you are thinking, how interesting can this be it's just a normal Sunday bike ride right?

Well that is where you are very wrong because Sundays in Mexico are spent in church in the early morning.

Now this is where the story gets interesting and very funny.

My mother being the genius and rat that she is went to church one Sunday and got separated from her cousin Miguel.

This happened because men and women sat on opposite sides during mass. Well during the entire mass the woman next to her started pinching her because she did not know how to pray in Spanish.

This was all it took for my mom to decide she was not going back.

Next Sunday when my aunt gave her and Miguel money to donate mom decided to skip church.

Miguel of course was a chicken and said no they would get punished but mom convinced him to go with her.

With the money they rented a bike and rode to my great grandfathers to have lunch and spend the hour there instead of at church.

Of course my great grandfather thought it was hilarious and said he would protect them every Sunday.

This went on for a very long time and my aunt didn't find out until about a year ago and my mom is now 49 yrs old.

I never knew my mom could be such a bully and a sneak, now I know where I get it from.

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