Sunburn "Miracle" Cure

by Oscar

We were out vending in the hot Arizona sun. Even in October, the highs around here can get into the 100s.

A little sun screen, a shade canopy and we’re golden, right? Maybe not.

The sun snuck up under the canopy and left its blistering mark on the back of my neck and arms.

We were having a really busy day, and I didn’t realize that I had a sunburn until I was very red and sore.

Fortunately, we were vending across the aisle from the ladies at

“Just go home and brew a little tea,” they said. “Let the tea bags cool & apply them to the burn.” (Of course, letting them cool is very important, as you don’t want to add to the heat already in your skin!)

Ah, sweet relief! I also had less redness, and the burn healed much faster than I’d experienced before.

Now I use tea on every sun burn, and it always works its “miracle” on my skin.

Sun Allergy

Human Skin

UV Index

UV Rays

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