Sunburn or suntan, doesn't really matter because they're both dangerous and unhealthy for you and your skin. There is no such a thing as "just" a sunburn or a "safe" suntan.
Whenever you're spending time outside or lying in the sun, the ultraviolet rays go to work and thereby penetrate your skin deep causing long-term skin damage.
The ultraviolet rays better known as UV rays, cannot be seen or detected by your human eyes. However you can bet that any time the Sun is out or even if it's overcast, the UV rays are present in some degree.
A bad sunburn is one of the major side effects of these damaging rays and solar radiation. As shown in the photos below, the skin has been overexposed to the Sun and has left its temporary mark. Unfortunately the permanent mark may not show up right away but years later down the line.
In the photos above you can notice that the skin has started to darken or even pigment. Usually when the day turns into the night, the sun-burn shows its nasty side. A typical scenario might include severe skin peeling, skin itching and hot to the touch or even pain and ache.
Once these precious underlying skin layers get bombarded by the hurtful and painful Sun rays, there is no guarantee what you skin cells may end up doing. In another words these rays might cause skin cancer or not, but research shows many skin cancers are Sun and sunburn related.
These UV rays and Sun exposures have a cumulative effect, meaning one real bad sun-burn in childhood is all it might take in some individual's case in order to be deadly years later in adulthood.
So what's one to do about sunburn and its consequences?
The main solution to "sun-burn" is prevention and prevention equals Sun protection. As the ozone layer in the atmosphere gets depleted or loses its effective UV protection architecture, Sun protection becomes an integral part of your daily routine or Regiment.
There are many ways which you can practice UV Ray prevention and thereby increasing your chance of Sun protection effectiveness. Several years ago this may have been somewhat of a dilemma and even an unheard of terminology.
But these days Sun protection is a Fact of Life™ and must not be ignored or put aside, since it really takes minor effort on your part.
The hard part has been accomplished since the scientific research, invention, design, fabrication and manufacturing of Sun protection products better known as Sun protection clothing is way more advanced than most people might imagine.
So all you have to do is to search online for the right piece of some protection and you will be on your way to a healthier skin. Some of the pieces which you might need are:
• Sun protection hat or UV hats
• Sun protection shirt or UV shirts
• Sun protection pants or UV pants
• Sun protection gloves or UV gloves
• Sun sleeves
Depending on your activities, you may not need all of them at the same time but it's wise to have several of each as backups. These pieces of Sun clothing have been engineered to block Sun exposure and of course any UV rays penetration. Therefore by wearing these lines of UV clothing, sunburn can be a thing of the past and you may never have to deal with its painful consequences again.
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