Sun Protection Umbrella Matters
by Kayla
(Santa Monica, Ca, USA)
Not too long ago I purchased a beautiful, green and yellow
Sun Protection Umbrella from a local J C Penny store. It was absolutely wonderful and went with almost every outfit I had.
Not only did it keep me nice and cool, but it was also a great fashion statement, conversation starter, shade producer, rain deflector, and accessory.
One day, I was on the beach. I had forgotten my sunscreen so I had to use the sun protection umbrella.
As I walked along the sandy shores, I felt extremely cool. Passing women even said things to me like “Cute umbrella!” or “I love your umbrella!”
It seemed to accentuate my cute body's curves because no matter where I went, the boys stared. As the day came to a close, I looked around and saw all the sun burnt people around me.
Because I had my sun protection umbrella, I left the beach with no annoying sunburns. Meaning, my next week would be pain and itch free! (Not to mention not having to rock the lobster look!).
This experience caused me to buy four or five more sun protection umbrellas. Now, I never leave the house without one!
My boyfriend absolutely loves them too. He says they make me look “high class” or “important”.
Sun protection umbrellas go good with almost any outfit whether be a dress, skirt, bathing suit, business clothes, or even casual denim blue jeans and a plain old t-shirt!
SunburnSun Allergy