Sun Protection Hat Helps Protect Against the Sun

by Kathryn

We live in the Midwest and summers here are sunny and hot.

There are 3 things we never leave the house without, especially in the summer:

(1) Sun protection hat for our 3 children,

(2) Sun tan lotion, and

(3) Water bottles

Hats help play a huge part in keeping our children’s skin from getting sunburn.

The kids love going to the zoo in the spring and summer time.

On one of our trips to the zoo this last summer, we found these cute, khaki (pink for my daughter) bucket hats at the zoo’s gift shop.

Hats can be hot in the summer but these have a couple of mesh windows on the sides to let the air flow through.

They have become our children’s favorite hats. We even packed them and took them to France and England this summer.

Yes, we looked like total tourists but it helped keep our children’s skin from burning and kept them cooler.

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