Sun Protection Hat at the Beach

by Shelley C
(Covington, LA)

Whenever I decide to go on vacation, it is usually to a beautiful beach in Florida, preferably Destin.

My family enjoys the beach quite a bit, but there is always the thought of too much sun exposure while we are playing out in the water.

I always pack little sun protection hats for my daughters. The hats have to match otherwise an argument usually ensues, and they usually have some princess character on them.

For my daughters, I have found that the hats that have bands to go underneath their chins work the best and don’t usually blow away.

I myself like to wear a nice size hat that looks like something off an Audrey Hepburn movie, along with the big shades and sexy bikini, to add to the movie star look.

Who says sun protection has to be a big blob of white sunscreen across your nose?

A simply gorgeous hat can be a successful fashion statement as well as a sensible solution for sun protection!

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