Solar Tint Review

by Brittany Swain
(Anniston, AL, USA)

I had the windows on my 2007 Chevy Impala tinted because I have two small daughters and when they were in the car the sun would bother them and make it hard for them to sleep.

I had really good results from the solar film. It keeps the harmful UV rays of the sun from harming mine and my daughter’s skin as well as making long car rides more enjoyable for them because the sun does not hurt their eyes.

I had the car window tint professionally installed to prevent bubbles and scratches and it makes the car look great as well as serving a useful purpose.

The price was reasonable. The installers explained what products to use to clean the windows and how long I would have to wait before the windows could be rolled up and down.

Overall I would recommend the auto window tint to anyone who is tired of the sun fading their interior and hurting their eyes.

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