Skin Success

by Jessica
(New York, NY, USA)

As a teenager I had very bad acne and my skin was very red.

I would often get many cystic zits that were underneath the surface, and not only did they look unattractive, but they were extremely painful!

My mother saw an infomercial on TV for Proactiv® Solution and decided to buy it for me to try.

I was very hesitant after years and years of not having any success with other products.

Within 3 weeks of using ProActiv® there was a definite change! My zits not only began to go away but my acne scars started to fade.

The quality of my skin improved so much. My skin that was once extremely oily and irritated is now smooth and clear!

I have been using ProActiv® now for four years and will never change to another product!

Now people actually complement the quality of my skin, which is something I would have never thought would happen!

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