Skin Cancer: Causes and Preventions

by Shane
(Atlanta, GA, USA)

Now-a-days, skin cancer is becoming more common among us. The main cause for the Skin Cancer is the over exposure to sun.

The UV rays coming from the sun plays the main role in causing skin cancer. A severe sunburn is enough to cause skin cancer. In some cases, the cause may be of hereditary factor.

In our skin there are three types of cell namely; Basal, Squamous and Melanocytes. These cells are the main source to skin cancer.

The most dangerous type of skin cancer called Malignant Melanoma is related to melanocyte cell. However, skin cancer can be detected in its earlier stage.

The Signs of Skin Cancer can be detected in the areas of body which are usually exposed to sunlight such as head, neck, arms, hands and legs.

A sore or a lump which is red or reddish brown may be the sign of skin cancer related to basal or squamous cells.

A mole which changes itself in size, shape and color, and which is itchy, hard, swollen may indicate towards the skin cancer related to melanocyte cell.

If skin cancer is detected in its earlier stage, the measures can be taken in order to prevent its further spreading.

Mohs Skin Cancer Surgery is very useful in the earlier stage of skin cancer. In the later stage of this disease, a treatment called chemotherapy is performed.

However, like the old saying, prevention is better than cure. The best prevention measure in order to protect oneself from skin cancer is to avoid being exposed to UV rays.

Using the best sunscreen, sun protective clothing and other products which help in preventing exposure to UV rays are also recommended.

Basal Skin Cancer

Canine Skin Cancer

Cat Skin Cancer

Causes of Skin Cancer

Early Signs of Skin Cancer

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