Shelter from the Sun

by Kami Pearson
(Sheffield, Alabama, USA)

Sun protection umbrellas are one of the most effective forms of sunscreen that there is. Unfortunately you can lounge under one but it’s a bit harder to be active with an umbrella floating over you somehow.

I personally have a very large one with a rather long pole that I love to take with my family to the beach.

Shove it in the ground and it’s a good spot to lounge and rest away from that hot summer sun, as well as to stake your claim to that really great location on the beach.

But I am always sure to pack a more portable form of sun protection in my bags as well. I particularly like the spray on kind and since my complexion is very light I use the baby formulas with the super high SPF ratings.

These are easy to apply all over, even to your back and other hard to reach areas and then head on to wherever you might go!

They do need to be reapplied fairly often, especially if you are sweating or swimming, even though most do say that they are waterproof and sweat proof.

You should also double check and make sure that you get your face covered well. Never spray directly onto your face though, spray on your hands and then apply to your face.

Also be sure to cover your ears and your partner (if you have one). A sunburned scalp is the most painful burn that I have ever experienced. Sun protection umbrella is still a great investment though. Great for picnics and beach trips!

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