Sex Appeal vs. Comfort
The dilemma of women with large busts

by Elyse
(Hackettstown, New Jersey, USA)

When summer rolls around girls bathing suits can be very tricky due to the wide variety in female body shapes.

The classic suit is usually a halter-top of it is a two-piece and two shoulder straps if it is a one-piece.

Unfortunately, women with large busts are stuck with a dilemma.

When purchasing a two-piece they are putting strain on their neck and causing back pain.

If buying one of the one piece swimsuits it must be purchased in a large enough size since a top and bottom cannot be sized differently like it can be in a two-piece.

So women with large busts must decide: sex appeal or personal wellness.

Such a difficult decision should not have to be made.

Bathing suit companies need to expand their styles and offer two shoulder, or razorback straps, for a two-piece suit.

This will allow women to maintain their sex appeal and exude more confidence while allowing their body to be comfortable and relaxed.

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