Sao Sebastiao Swimsuit

by Vennessa
(El Paso, TX, USA)

I adore this kids swimwear and I purchased it for my little cousin.

She fell in love with it when she saw it and now my aunt has trouble because its winter and she can't wear it anymore.

All she wants to do now is wear the cute little pink swimsuit. She doesn't seem to care if it isn't summer anymore just as long as she can wear it.

It is such a great suit, it is spandex stretch material and it's pink with a big flower on one hip with a butterfly on the shoulder.

Which I think is great for her because she loves butterflies.

The face that she had the day she opened her gift was amazing. I never thought a swimsuit could bring so much joy to a girls face.

Plus the great thing about it is it's a one piece so it gives her great sun protection as well as looking fashionable.

Grant it, it was a fairly big purchase but it was well worth the price I paid for it.

I will never forget that wonderful look on her face on her birthday.

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