Prevention and Early Detection Can Benefit Skin Cancer

by Seema Mishra
(Nagpur, Maharashtra, India)

My aunt who was diagnosed by a rare case of Skin Cancer is just 42 years old and now she is extremely scared of the harmful UV rays of the sun.

She was a passionate user of tanning beds at one time and after the diagnosis of skin cancer she is afraid of that and warns anyone she meets about the harm that has produced.

In fact she had a lump on her back but she had consulted her doctor who in turn told her not to worry. But as the lump started increasing in size she went to a plastic surgeon to get it removed.

It was only after the analysis of the lump that the doctors found it to be an exceptional kind of skin cancer.

Also according to the specialists it was due to the effects of the tanning beds most likely.

In fact there is no such treatment available for this skin cancer and she has to move about covered in the sun now because Sunburn will be extremely dangerous for her.

Nose Skin Cancer

Sign of Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer and Tanning Beds

Skin Cancer Awareness

Skin Cancer Awareness Month

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