
by Joseph Ferreira
(Cape Cod, USA)

We all know that we need to protect the eyes of our youth.

Because not only do these eyes see our future but the things that they see now will mold them and hopefully show them the way we need to change.

But on a lighter side, I have a three year old son, whom me and my wife take to the beach all of the time.

It’s an adventure in its self just packing up the truck with everything and unpacking so on and so on.

But none the less we get out there a lot and of course my wife is always concerned about protecting Tyler’s eyes, face, skin, mouth, ears, toes and anything else she can worry about.

I know that it comes from a good place and I never have to worry about her, although I do.

Anyway we all fall asleep with sunglasses on and wake up looking like a family that fell asleep in the sun with glasses on.

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