O'Neil Swimshorts Are Very Durable

by Dan
(Stow, Ohio)

I bought my swimsuit from Pacific Sunwear. It was an O'Neil swimsuit.

I don't care for the mainstream Billabong brands, but I am a strong fan of the O'Neil swimsuit.

I have taken it with me to many beaches and it has withstood many wakeboard and slalom ski starts and crashes.

The suit fit snug around the waist, it wasn't too loose.

The suit also had a tendency to trap water in it, but it drained very quickly. The suit I have has lasted me for over 5 years.

I went out and bought a new one because it was looking outdated, but I still wear it when I'm out on the boat boarding.

Don’t get caught up in all those patterns. Style is nice, but if the suit doesn’t fit, or if it can’t handle the type of lifestyle you live, then you are wasting you money.

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