My First Swimming Suit Experience

by Anonymous
(Indiana, USA)

Swimming suits are not quite common in our area.

Wearing them will make us embarrassing and people would start staring at us.

Once when I went for a swimming class they insisted that I should be wearing a swim suit while learning swimming.

I wanted to learn swimming but I was overwhelmed by the idea of wearing something that I would be very uncomfortable and receive stares form the onlookers.

The interest for swimming made me buy one swim suit.

When I went to the shop I asked the shop keeper for a decent and fully covered swim suit, the sales man was staring at me thinking how foolish I was.

Finally I found one suit that would cover my hands and legs. I tried it out but felt very uncomfortable as it was sticking to my body and was tight.

I bought the outfit and I went for my swimming lessons.

When I started wearing the swim suit, first I felt very uncomfortable but later I got used to it.

Now I don’t fuss while wearing the swimsuit and have got used to it.

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