Maniac Mansion Computer Game

by Marcelle Soliman
(Baton Rouge, LA. USA)

Twenty years ago my son, who was eight at the time, begged his grandfather to buy this real cool computer game that was new on the market.

It was called Maniac Mansion.

My mother was the only person in the family with a computer at that time and my son loved to stay with grandma and grandpa who let him play computer games.

She wrote a note of instructions for him to follow on how to load the game and play it.

This is funny to me now because my son has a degree in Computer Technology and my mom calls him all the time for help.

As the years went by Maniac Mansion was replaced by better graphics and newer technology, but it would always be a favorite memory for my son who is an avid shopper of resale shops.

One day when he was passing through one of his favorite thrift stores he came across the game of Maniac Mansion.

He could not believe that after all these years he found another game just like the one he played years ago.

When he opened the box he found a note. It was the same note my mother had written twenty years ago. It was the same game he had played when he was a little boy at his grandma’s house.

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