Malignant Melanoma Mechanism

by Catherine Wacheke
(Kenya, Africa)

This is the most lethal form of Skin Cancer although when diagnosed early the prognosis is good.

It occurs when pigment producing cells called melanocytes, found underneath the skin get damaged due to excessive exposure to the sun.

Melanocytes are cells responsible for giving the skin its pigmentation.

In Malignant Melanoma they start to grow and divide much faster than normal.

A mole appears on the surface of the skin at the onset of the disease. If detected early it can be removed surgically.

If however it goes undetected, the cells can grow down into the other skin layers and enter the bloodstream via blood vessels and lymph channels and then move to other body parts.

One can protect themselves from this disease by applying a sunscreen with a high sun protection factor of 30 and above.

Also one can wear clothes made from fabrics that are resistant to ultraviolet rays.

There exist a wide range of sun protective clothing from shirts to hats and even swimming suits.

It is however recommended to use clothes that have an ultraviolet protection factor of 50 and above.

Melanoma Skin Cancer

Malignant Melanoma Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer Melanoma

Skin Cancer Moles

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