Malignant Melanoma Can Take Your Life
by Anonymous
I have a friend who had “a mole” on her leg which got bigger and bigger.
It then began to bleed whenever anything came in contact with it.
She went to the doctor who suspected cancer and did a biopsy. Unfortunately, the biopsy showed a
Malignant Melanoma.
My friend had to undergo
Skin Cancer Reconstructive Surgery to remove the lesion. She also had a lot of skin removed from her leg as well.
Afterwards, she had to endure months of chemotherapy and radiation. She suffered all the usual side effects – nausea, hair loss, fatigue, etc.
My friend was so frightened that she would die. She was only thirty years old with three young daughters and a very devoted husband.
After she completed all the treatment the doctor told my friend that she was cancer free.
We were all ecstatic. I was so afraid that I would lose my friend.
That was forty five years ago and she is doing fine today.
She just had a basal cell carcinoma removed from her arm the other day. The dermatologist is very vigilant and removes anything suspicious looking right away.
My friend has always been extremely careful about sunscreen and staying out of the sun as much as possible.
She realizes how lucky she is to be alive today.
Everyone should learn from my friend’s experience.
Wear sunscreen every day all year long and cover up when you are in the sun.
Melanoma Skin CancerMalignant Melanoma Skin CancerSkin Cancer MelanomaSkin Cancer Moles