Macular Degeneration is A Life Changing Event
by Larry Boecker
(St. Thomas U.S. Virgin Islands)
I am writing this note primarily to myself to document my condition and to vent my frustration with the Macular Degeneration condition.
Late one evening while lounging in our Jacuzzi and gazing at the summer night’s stars, I noticed that if I closed one eye then most of the stars disappeared.
But with both open all appeared to be normal. I had never noticed this sight issue before.
I had been continually purchasing the over-the-counter reading glasses hoping to better my vision and my work as a programmer and artist.
This night time event was alarming and I sought help the next morning by making an appointment at Kaiser’s ophthalmology department.
Diagnosed with
Macular Degeneration and having the details being explained, the progressive nature, and my sight issue possibilities I immediately got on board with whatever could save my sight.
Repeatedly I had laser surgeries, preventive eye protection, and drug regiments purporting to slow the progress of
Macular Degeneration.
It seems that in the past several weeks I have again noticed a dramatic change. Glasses are not helping and writing this note I am using the visual aid “magnifier” found on the control panel’s Ease of Access Center.
I assume what I am typing is correct and that my hand has not drifted from position. I then review what I have typed via the magnifier.
I drive during the day only and rarely do I attempt to drive at night. If I do it is only to near destinations that I know every twist or turn. This also is coming quickly to an end.
My oil painting, for the time being, has been suspended. At one time I could quickly produce my idea or vision to canvas.
Now I start but the feel of perspective is gone only to be replaced by anger and frustration. You can view past works at, where I use this website to view what I did prior to MD.
I am not taking pity on myself but realizing that Macular Degeneration is a life changing event.