Kids Stories
by Chandra
When I was studying in 10th grade, a family lived next to my house with a kid named Mano.
The kid looked very cute and was also brilliant.
Every day Mano's mother gave him a tooth brush and a tooth paste, so he could brush his cute teeth.
One fine Sunday like wise, Mano's mother gave him the tooth brush and the paste.
In childhood sometimes kids want to eat the tooth paste, instead of using it to brush.
Like that Mano also did the same and ate the tooth paste and took a nap thereafter.
After a while his mother returned from the kitchen and saw Mano sleeping with bubbles in his mouth.
She was shocked and started crying, since she figured something was wrong with Mano.
She took her child to see the local doctor. We were also shocked since she was crying so loud and we didn’t know what had happened.
At the hospital the doctor checked Mano and gently slapped on his chin.
So Mano woke up and cried. That’s when the doctor noticed that he smells like tooth paste and he laughed.
He advised the mother not to worry about Mano and that he was alright.
He said Mano had eaten (or swallowed) the tooth paste which was causing the bubbles in his mouth.
After that the mother also laughed and was relieved.