Kids Computer Games

by Dhiraj Kush
(Jamshedpur, India)

Once upon-a-time, when I was in 4th grade, my father bought a Computer for home usage.

At that time I was a kid and was really interested in Computer Games.

A very famous game named ‘RoadRash’ was installed at that time on our PC and I used to play it anytime after my School.

One day when I was playing the Roadrash and I was on the first position, the monitor got turned off.

I was shocked and afraid that the computer has crashed because of me and I would get a tight scolding from my Dad.

So, I turned off the computer switches and went to sleep.

As I woke-up after a few hours, I saw that my Dad was playing 'Roadrash' and the PC was working fine.

Later I realized that when I was playing the game, Electricity had gone out at that moment.

Therefore I was saved from the Punishment.

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