Kids Computer Games Review

by Brittany Swain
(Anniston, AL, USA)

When I was a kid I had a Mac. This was before Mac’s were cool to have.

You had to buy only games that were made for a Mac and my parents ordered a catalog that was full of all things Mac compatible.

I was not such a great speller at the time and this being in the days before spell check was standard and trusted my mother ordered me a game called Spelling Blizzard.

This game was meant to be educational as well as fun, however, most of the words were pretty easy but the game itself was the challenge.

You had to move through 100 levels, each a puzzle where you collected letter tiles to spell the word for that level.

There was a guide who was on the screen talking to you named Yobi and he had a bird named Crackers.

While it was a simple game, one wrong step on the ice would cost you your life and send you back to the beginning of the puzzle.

This was my favorite game growing up and I felt like I had really accomplished something when I finally solved all 100 puzzles and found out why the ice at the top of the glacier was melting.

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