I've Had Cancer

by Tom
(Ft. Myers, FL, USA)

I’ve had cancer, Skin Cancer. I’ve had moles removed several times over the years.

I’ve been to multiple dermatologists who have told me to use sunblock, reduce my time in the sun including cutting back on my rounds of golf.

My Dad, Mother and one Brother died of cancer. Melanoma Skin Cancer runs in our family.

My philosophy is that I’ll go to a doctor and get examined at least once per year.

That’s worked for me for the past 20 years.

Thanks to my doctors’ good work, I’ve been able to stay away from malignant cancer.

So I will continue to get checked, use SPF 50 Moisturizer with Sunscreen and minimize my sun exposure, particularly where I have moles.

Skin Cancer Moles

Skin Cancer on Nose

Skin Cancer on the Face

Skin Cancer Reconstruction

Skin Cancer Reconstructive Surgery

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