Indoor Kids Games Using Books & Cartridges

by Kelly Borntrager
(Milan, IN, USA)

My daughter has a really active mind. I usually have a hard time trying to keep up with everything that she wants to do.

I also do some work from home so I knew I had to figure out something for her to do that would keep her busy for a while so I could finish my work.

While we were at a friend’s house, I saw her child playing with an interactive game that had books and cartridges with it.

He sat there intently playing it for hours and was so good! The next day I bought my daughter one.

It was the LeapFrog LeapPad, my first LeapPad Learning System.

I also bought her a couple of books with cartridges so she wouldn’t get bored as easily with just a few of them.

It was one of the best products I have ever bought!

She plays it every morning before Preschool and immediately starts playing it when she comes home.

The books come in all different categories from shapes and colors to different characters like Cinderella and Dora.

She loves it!

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