I Didn't Think I Would Get Sun Allergy

by Atanas Simeonov
(Plovdiv, Plovdiv, Bulgaria)

I thought I can’t get an allergic reaction to the sun. I had read about people having all sorts of horrific sun allergies and I was literally thinking “this can’t happen to me ever”, well I was wrong.

This summer for the first time I noticed that while I was driving my car with a short sleeve shirt on, my left hand was exposed to the sun almost all of the time.

Then, there appeared small circular shaped red dots. They started itching horribly and were disgusting to watch.

At first I didn’t pay much attention to them despite the itching and thought they will pass on their own but they didn’t.

In fact they have spread to my legs and arms on the parts where the skin had been exposed to sun light, the most.

I went to a doctor and he confirmed that I have some sort of sun allergy and I have to treat it with special lotion.

I was also advised not to stay in direct sun light for too long in order to avoid the re-appearance of the rash.

The doctor told me that this sun allergy that I got is due to the stronger and more dangerous sun light from recent years where the thinning of the ozone layer is getting worse.

I believe this to be true.

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