Hyperpigmentation Treatment

by Krista
(Georgia, USA)

I suffer from melasma, or hyperpigmentation, on my face most noticeably on my chin.

Sunscreen helps in preventing some darkening, but with two children active in baseball it's impossible to eliminate the sun exposure to my face.

I tried various over the counter fade creams, with and without hydroquinine, with very little success.

I'm not sure I even noticed a difference at all. I finally resorted to purchasing make-up designed to mask major skin flaws.

While surfing the internet one day, looking for a more effective treatment, I came across some reviews of the prescription cream Tri-Luma, which reduces the amount of pigment made in the skin cells.

The cream is applied to affected areas once daily before bedtime and may take several months to produce noticeable results.

It is intended to be used for several months to reduce hyperpigmentation and then to use on an as needed basis to maintain the effect.

I noticed improvement after only 3 weeks or so. The cream does cause peeling which continues as long as the cream is used, but it's well worth the effort.

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