How I Tackled My Baby’s Rash

by Anonymous

My kid when she was small she used to get diaper rashes.

I always had taken a lot of care to prevent these rashes by keeping the area dry and clean, despite my attempts she developed the rashes.

I was worried in the beginning and I tried all types of diapers but still those rashes where not gone.

Due to the rashes my baby would cry quite often due to the pain caused from the rashes.

Then finally when I consulted a pediatrician regarding the matter he prescribed me a lotion called Caladril which is quite safe for children.

I tried this lotion on my baby's rashes I found instant relief form the rashes.

Since then my little one does not cry due to the pain of the rashes hence she had been cured of the rashes and is now very comfortable in her diapers.

Now she is three years old and I use the lotion to heal whatever skin allergy or skin reactions she experiences.

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