How I Protect My Baby’s Eyes

by Rachel

I am very fond of my baby girl and make sure that I provide her complete protection.

Whenever I go for outing or shopping I dress her in such a manner that she is protected from head to toe.

I dress her, apply sun protective cream and place her very comfortably in the pram with sun shields.

Recently when shopping for my sunglasses I came across baby sunglasses. I thought to buy one for my kid so that she gets protection for her eyes too.

I bought one from the store and made my kid wear it. Even she liked it as she was smiling as soon as I put it on her eyes.

Now whenever I go out in the day time I put it on her eyes. She also appreciates it a lot and does not mind wearing it.

The sunglasses provide complete sun protection to her eyes and I am happy that I found it.

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