Hollywood Glamour Baby Style

by Duvessa
(El Paso, TX, USA)

I have this friend who is so into the latest fashion trends and all things Hollywood that I just adore.

She is always looking like she stepped out of a fashion catalog and I envy her for that.

I of course just don't really have the funds to keep up with all that or even the time. I just don't really have the opportunity to spend four hours in the morning getting ready.

Anyway she is so into fashion that when she had a baby she now dresses her in the latest fashions too, including the latest in eye wear.

I would never have thought to put sunglasses on my baby, I don't know where she found them but she did.

She had these really cute pink baby sunglasses that had a soft elastic band on them to stay on and a cute pink short set.

I thought I was looking at a 50's glamour baby she was so adorable.

It wasn't even just that she looked so cute but she was having her beautiful blue eyes protected from the sun.

I never thought about it until then but their eyes are so tender when they are first born you need to take care of them.

So of course my friend found the best and most stylish way to do it. I guess we could all learn a lot from her couldn't we. I know I will appreciate her a lot more now.

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