Herbal and Home Remedies Are the Best Skin Care Option for Me

by Sharon

There are a number of ways of protecting your skin and giving it the natural glow and clean look.

There are a number of products available in the market under various brand names, promising you the treatment of a number of skin problems such as acne, sun burn, wrinkle prevention etc.

I always prefer to choose herbal products as they are much safer and contain natural ingredients which are free from harmful chemicals.

There are also many home remedies that you can make at home by using a few household ingredients.

I apply curd on my face to provide a natural bleaching affect on the skin as well as softening it.

Turmeric mixed with cream and applied for half an hour has reduced my acne as well as provide my skin with a natural moisturizing solution.

Gram flour mixed with water tightens the skin and prevents wrinkles.

These are a few home remedies that can be easily followed and are also cost affective.

Organic Sunscreen

Moisturizer with Sunscreen

SPF Clothing

Sun Protection Clothing

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