Heat Exhaustion and Natural Spring Water

by Jemmer Pablo
(San Jose, CA, USA)

I had an experience of hyperthermia or heat exhaustion when we were trekking on a steep mountain somewhere in the south of Thailand on a vacation.

I wish I can remember the name of that mountainous province but it was such a long time ago and Thai names are difficult to remember.

This experience of course was new to me since my body was not really used to tropical weather.

That particular super hot day during summer simply put my bodily functions to the max especially in dealing with external heat.

We were already in the middle of the trek and my shirt and shorts were all wet from sweating

Then suddenly, I just stopped sweating and my color turned almost bluish.

My vision started to be dizzy while I asked my friends to stop for a while and just in a very instant, everything just simply became blurry.

After I had recovered, my friend who was a nurse, told me I had heat exhaustion due to too much heat from the sun coupled with the fact that I never applied any UV rays protection.

I was also exhausted from the trek so all these factors just had a field day with my body.

A good thing was that there came a nice blow of wind during my recovery and a nearby spring where they dipped my body for a while.

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