Guide To Prevent The Deficiency Of Vitamin D
by Shane
Vitamin D is very essential for the growth of a body. In our body, vitamin D is either produced in the skin or consumed in food. Vitamin D is abundant in a fish.
Deficiency of vitamin D may result into serious problems.
The reasons for
vitamin D Deficiency are:
> not taking enough food which is rich in vitamin D
> not enough exposure to sunlight
> some disorders related to liver or kidney that obstruct
Vitamin D Absorption and
> hereditary problems.
The effects of vitamin D deficiency cause few bone-related diseases such as Rickets, Osteomalacia, Osteoporosis and others.
The best way to prevent these diseases is the proper intake of vitamin D which is abundant in food like fish, margarines, cereals, liver and egg yolk.
Exposing little children to the warm sunrays can help in preventing the vitamin D deficiency.
In some cases, doctors prescribe injections such as Ergocalciferol or Calciferol which supplies vitamin D into our body.