Gold Bond Body Powder Saved My Skin!

by Scott
(Delaware, OH, USA)

I am obese and have a tendency to get really bad heat rashes.

I had been using hydrocortisone cream by the tube to treat this condition. The cream worked OK, but I still had pain and the heat rash would just last all summer basically.

I received a free sample of Gold Bond Medicated Body Powder in the mail this past spring, right at the beginning of heat rash season for me.

I gave it a try and was AMAZED!

It not only dried out my skin where the rash was, it made my skin cold and stopped the burning pain on contact!

I was immediately addicted. I went to my local Wal-Mart and bought a bottle of the Extra Strength version.

I used this powder all summer. I had the fewest heat rashes I have ever had.

I would put it on as soon as I started feeling prickly heat anywhere and it would stop it from spreading and stop it from becoming a full-blown heat rash.

I would recommend this product to anyone who battles heat rash.

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