Get a Sun Protection Umbrella!

by James

Sun protection umbrellas are a great way to provide yourself with portable sun protection anywhere and everywhere you go.

You can get them anywhere from Target to upscale boutiques. The best ones (not necessarily the most expensive) protect against UVB and UVA rays.

You simply have to take a look at the label on the tag before purchasing.

Ranging anywhere from 34” to 64”, sun protection umbrellas are designed to be lightweight, easy to take around and some are even Skin Cancer Foundation recommended.

Taking an umbrella around to protect your skin is much easier than trying to take along or wear clothes that protect you.

You can still enjoy the coolness of bare arms but still be protected by the span of the umbrella.

Shading yourself from the sun even part of the time greatly decreases your skin cancer risks and other harmful effects of the sun.

I would highly recommend one for anyone who lives in a sunshine state or spends a lot of time outdoors.

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