Function Before Fashion with Bikinis!

by Michelle
(New York, NY, USA)

Summer is time to bring out your favorite bikini.

Bikinis are wonderful for cruises, lounging on the beach, hanging out at your pool at home, or even running errands around town...if you are bold enough!

Most bikinis, especially the fashionable ones, are NOT appropriate for water parks or while engaging in any kind of water sports activity!

One summer, I was working at a summer camp as a counselor.

I was 19 at the time, and a counselor for the coed teen group at the camp.

We decided to take the campers to the local water park for the day.

We were having a great time, and the kids wanted to go on the highest slide at the park, "The Cobra."

Being a daredevil, I agreed, and we went up.

I was the last person to go down the slide, and my campers were waiting for me at the bottom.

When I emerged from the water, I looked and saw horrified looks on everyone's face.

I had lost my bikini top when I hit the water!

I dove under water, but not before all of my campers saw what had happened and had a great laugh.

In fact, they laughed about it for the rest of the summer. Next time, I'll be wearing a one piece!

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Dec 18, 2008
Funny Story!
by: Anonymous

Funny story! I run a beach and surf camp ( and all the female counselors usually wear a 1-piece for just this reason, lol

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